Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What are organic fertilizers? Organic fertilizers are fertilizers that use naturally occurring materials that comes from plants and animals. They include examples such as leaves, grass clippings, rice husk, soya bean waste, beer waste, peanut shells, saw dust, wood chips, animal manure and etc. The materials used to manufacture organic fertilizers go through a long fermentation process before they can be used as fertilizers.
  2. What are the benefits of organic fertilizers? Although nutrients in organic fertilizers are relatively modest but the organic matter content helps to prolong aged soil’s fertility and the structure of the soil. When structure of soil is improved, the nutrients and water holding capacity is enhanced too. It encourages the growth of organisms in the soil and thus promotes roots development. Soils which are more acidic could be brought closer to neutral through the use of organic fertilizers.
  3. What is urban agriculture? It is a form of agricultural practice involving cultivating crops conducted in a town or city area. One of the main reasons for urban agriculture in today’s context is for recreational or hobby purposes and not necessarily income generating.
  4. What is the difference between compost and fertilizers? Fertilizers provide a source of nutrients to plants whereas compost nourishes the soil. The nutrients added from the fertilizers focuses on meeting the needs of the plants especially chemical fertilizers. Compost encourages healthy microbe growth within the soil. It feeds the soil food web and balances the ecological system within the soil hence increases the health of the natural soil.

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